Money Can't Purchase

 Money Can't Purchase

The old adage or proverb, "money can't buy happiness," was once just taken for granted. But a lot of study has come out of the years that tries to explain this old statement a bit better.

Recent research has shown that there is little to no difference in the amount of happiness that persons in different socioeconomic brackets report. The opposite is true in many parts of the world; those living in poverty tend to report higher levels of happiness. By "ordinary people," I don't mean those experiencing extreme poverty or other catastrophic conditions; rather, I mean those who choose to live a simpler, less materialistic life than the majority of us in industrialized nations.

Lots of ideas exist, but one common belief is that the poorer a person is, the more pleasure they report having. This is supposedly due to the fact that they have fewer worries and hence require less things to make them happy. Spending more time on family activities and other relationships is common among the less well-off since they have fewer possessions and fewer possibilities for amusement. Because of the substantial correlation between marital and familial relationships and subjective experiences of well-being, some research suggests that low-income families may actually be happier overall. People aren't obligated to reside in impoverished nations, of course. People living in poverty in developed nations, such as the US, have also reported these results.

Because there are so many studies on the topic, you can find any number of them by searching for the term "money can't buy happiness" on any search engine. Therefore, I will not cite any specific references or statistics.

However, that doesn't mean you should actively seek for poverty if you're already wealthy; it just means you shouldn't expect to be pleased if you do. By the way, while most of us have an idea of what it means to be poor, have you ever considered the possibility that the majority of us don't have a firm grasp on what it means to be rich?

People sometimes mistakenly believe that those who own large houses and fancy cars are wealthy, but in reality, these things are usually better signs of debt than prosperity. Debt, not prosperity, is symbolized by a huge mortgage on a large home or a hefty monthly payment on a great car.

And just like that, a lot of people think that anybody with a specific salary is "rich," particularly if it's more than the "magic" $100,000 each year. Absolutely not! Most people who earn $100,000 a year are not rich, as any $100,000 earner can tell you.

Earnings can vary pretty high without a person being truly "rich" because most people who earn more tend to spend more.

The question therefore becomes: how exactly is wealth defined? My favorite is the one that Bill Cosby gave on his famous TV show, "The Cosby Show," which ran from 1984 to 1992, in response to questions from his children. He made the comment as they were talking about the meaning of wealth: "people who are not rich work for their money, whereas rich people's money works for them." Not only is it widely acknowledged as accurate, but it is also among the best definitions you will discover.

People who are wealthy work because they enjoy it, not because it's a necessity; this is one of the widely held beliefs about what it means to be wealthy.

Is the belief that money can't purchase happiness remaining? Is it feasible that if you are financially able to work less, you may spend more time with your family, making you and your family happier? After all, the happiest people in the world are said to be those who spend the most time with their families.

Consider this additional point: Owners of their own businesses account for the vast majority of the world's rich. The majority of millionaires (almost 70%) are also company owners.

Plus, did you know that having a prosperous home-based business can provide you a plethora of perks even if you don't have a fortune?

We already know that the thing that makes the majority of people happy is spending time with their loved ones. Owning a home business can offer you an additional source of income, which can decrease the necessity for you to work as many hours away from home. This means you can spend more time with your family or engage in other activities that bring you joy if your current job or occupation requires you to travel frequently or has long hours.

Being healthy ranks high on the list of factors that contribute to one's level of happiness. Actually, when asked which is more important, having excellent health or having money, the majority of individuals would choose good health. What good is wealth if you can't spend it due to poor health?

Are you aware that, for the majority of individuals, a high salary directly correlates to excellent health? For example, low-income families often struggle to afford the type of food and nutrition that promote optimal natural health. Similarly, they often struggle to afford the kind of quality medical insurance that would allow them to maintain optimal medical health, including both preventative care like regular checkups and dental visits and emergency care like hospitalizations.

Option is one of the many things that can be purchased with money. Those who are financially well-off can buy whatever they want, while those who are less fortunate have to settle for what they can afford. Not only can the well-off afford the finest health insurance plans, but they also usually have more leeway in deciding how and where to receive treatment. Those who are financially strapped could not have health insurance at all, or their choices might be severely limited.

Moreover, the food we consume is the foundation of our health. Did you ever think about how much more affordable and convenient junk food is compared to the high-quality foods that have been shown to be good for our health?

For example, less healthful food options, such as potato chips, snack foods, junk food, and vegetables, tend to be significantly more affordable than fresh fruits and vegetables. Less fatty, higher-quality cuts of beef tend to cost more. There is a price premium for produce that is cultivated organically. It is often known that individuals with higher levels of education and income tend to eat healthier, have better health insurance, and generally be in better physical and mental health. Plus, persons who take care of their health tend to be happy overall. Is the belief that money can't purchase happiness remaining?

People also put a high value on feeling protected as an indicator of contentment. Anxietiesm is the antithesis of security, and we shall discuss stress in a while. Would you prefer to feel more secure when driving, yet you're stuck with a less-than-ideal vehicle? A home that is well-built and well-maintained can provide a higher level of comfort and safety than one that is not. A person's level of happiness is likely to be lower if they are unable to afford the home and community of their dreams.

We have covered some of the things that studies have consistently shown to increase happiness; however, what about stress, which is known to be one of the main factors that lead to depression?

Stress has been shown to have negative health effects in addition to making individuals miserable. Health issues may arise as a result of stress.

Having more money does come with greater worries, though. Of course, there will always be those who aren't content. They appear to bring more trouble upon themselves as their income rises, as the more they spend, the more they need to worry about. However, not everyone's financial activities are characterized by that.

More money can directly translate to reduced financial stress, except those who are never happy and always have more than enough. A joyful individual experiences less stress.

People who are continuously living paycheck to paycheck or who don't have enough money to cover their expenses are more likely to be anxious than those who have savings.

Of course, having more money means you can treat yourself to more luxurious things, which means less stress, more enjoyment, and greater physical health.

People look up to celebrities and the wealthy because they seem so much younger than they actually are. Disregarding the effects of cosmetic surgery, the aforementioned benefits are major contributors. The lives of celebrities are usually lavish and full with extravagance. There will be less stress, better food, more pampering, and less wrinkles :)

"Money can't buy happiness" is a statement that is more commonly made by those who have never had or do not currently possess financial resources. In the end, how could they possibly know? Even when the wealthy may tell you things like, "money can't buy happiness," they're just as likely to remark, "rather be with it than without it," right after that.

Do you still believe that material wealth cannot purchase contentment? In that case, you might want to reconsider...

Oh my goodness!

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